Philadelphia Documentary Photographer | #ProjectWeekend - A Look Back
At the beginning of 2017, I started what became known as #ProjectWeekend. The intent was simple -- to take more purposeful photos of my family and friends. Over the past few years I found myself only bringing out "my big camera" for client shoots and never using it to document everyday life -- my everyday life.
This tiny goal seems simple, right? Pick up my camera more often and shoot those who are nearest and dearest to me. Wrong. I failed after about 5 months of solid weekend documenting. Now I could sit here and list the reasons why -- namely wedding season and client work making up most of my weekends May - November -- but I'll save you the excuses.
So the point of this post is to share a few of my favorite #ProjectWeekend moments from 2017 and to put in writing a new goal for 2018. #ProjectWeekend will be back, but this time in a monthly format. My hope is that by setting a more realistic goal (if I can't document at least 1 weekend a month then that's just pathetic!) I can live in the moment, document personal milestones, and still ensure my client work remains a top priority.
Keep on scrolling for my favorites of 2017. Cheers to a happy and healthy 2018!
#ProjectWeekend | June 24 - 25
Did someone say summer? I'm pretty sure the rest of the world would agree with me when I say summer weekends are the best. Sleeping in, sunshine, sand, BBQing, and late afternoon dips in the pool. Last weekend I managed to enjoy all of the above (minus the sand) and it was pretty awesome. Is it Friday yet?
Saturday morning cartoons for the win.
On Saturday, we threw our annual Summer Shindig BBQ and had the chance to have most of our closest friends and family all in one place at the same time. I have roughly 5 lbs of potato salad left over if anyone needs some. Anyone?
Hunter stole the show with his cuteness from here on out...
#ProjectWeekend | May 20 - 21
I can't believe it is almost the end of June. Where did May and June go!? I'm waiting for the day I can write a post that says "we haven't been busy lately." Wishful thinking, huh? Truly, I am striving to slow down a bit, take it all in - especially on the weekends.
We've had some exciting moments over the last few weeks. C wrapped up her 2016-17 dance year with SIX shows at this years recital. I'm so proud of how much she has accomplished this year and how much she has grown as a dancer. Speaking of...I got to deliver some happy-tear-jerking dance news a few weeks ago as well. C was invited to participate in the pointe program at her studio. (Can I just add here that I was never a dancer so I'm picking this up as I go, but I know a pointe invitation ranks up there in top 3 best moments in a dancers life). guessed it...I documented C's first fitting and it was exciting and emotional!
#ProjectWeekend | May 6-7
It took me roughly 3 days to recover from this weekend. Taking care of 3 kids, a dog, and a cat can really make a girl want to sleep for a week straight. Good news...I survived and also got to spend some time with my favorite girls, Josephine and Adabelle. While I didn't have much time to actually photograph our weekend because most of my time was spent picking up toys, carrying kids, and making sure that everyone stayed fed and happy, I was able to snap a few of our more quiet moments. Shout out to all the moms out there with multiple deserve an award!