#ProjectWeekend | May 20 - 21
I can't believe it is almost the end of June. Where did May and June go!? I'm waiting for the day I can write a post that says "we haven't been busy lately." Wishful thinking, huh? Truly, I am striving to slow down a bit, take it all in - especially on the weekends.
We've had some exciting moments over the last few weeks. C wrapped up her 2016-17 dance year with SIX shows at this years recital. I'm so proud of how much she has accomplished this year and how much she has grown as a dancer. Speaking of...I got to deliver some happy-tear-jerking dance news a few weeks ago as well. C was invited to participate in the pointe program at her studio. (Can I just add here that I was never a dancer so I'm picking this up as I go, but I know a pointe invitation ranks up there in top 3 best moments in a dancers life). Any-who...you guessed it...I documented C's first fitting and it was exciting and emotional!